Thank you for being part of Passing the Message Stick. Whether you’re joining us at a training, a briefing, or another gathering, this is a moment for us to come together across our movements and campaigns - from land rights to stopping black deaths in custody, fighting racism and inequality, to keeping kids in community and advocating for treaties, truth-telling and representation. We’re all here to build the power of First Nations-led campaigns and movements for justice and self-determination.

When we come together, as First Nations campaigners, community organisers, communicators and changemakers come together there is huge strength in our shared values and collective vision for the future, as well as strength in the diversity of our opinions, perspectives, experiences and approaches to creating change.

Together, we are committed to:

  • Building and strengthening relationships and connections across our movements, sectors and communities.

  • Listening to and learning from each other, by sharing our different ideas, experiences and perspectives. Whilst we may not agree on everything, we acknowledge there are many different roles in a movement and different views on how to create change.

  • Creating a safe and inclusive experience for everyone in these spaces, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion and economic status.

  • Sharing the skills, knowledge and tools we learn with mob who aren’t or can’t be in the room. We all have a responsibility to take what we have learnt back home and share with our families, communities and colleagues.

  • Making the most of the time we have together

Creating such a space is a group responsibility so we ask you to commit to:

  • Treat each other with respect.

  • Respect confidentiality when people share confidential or personal information.

  • Embrace intersectionality and equity – there is no place for racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and ableism in these spaces.

  • Follow our code of conduct which includes helping make the space accessible and inclusive, and no tolerance of bullying, harassment and unacceptable behaviour.

Please reach out to one of the Passing the Message Stick team members via if you have any questions, concerns or need help.

If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible to our wellbeing coordinator Amelia (Millie) Telford for a confidential conversation. You can reach Millie at if she’s not at the event.


We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive experience for everyone who attends a Passing the Message Stick event or training, regardless of your gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, economic status, immigration status or refugee status.

We do not tolerate harassment of participants, staff or volunteers in any form, and any person who violates these rules may be dismissed from the event without a refund. If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible to a member of the Passing the Message Stick team.

Here’s how you can help to ensure these events and trainings are inclusive and accessible space, for everyone:

  • Where appropriate, we encourage you to state your name, your mob and pronouns when introducing yourself.

  • State your name each time you speak - and if you’re leading a session, ask meeting participants to state their names each time they speak.

  • When speaking in sessions, please aim to keep your lips visible for those who speech read.

  • Respect and honour a diversity of ideologies and experiences, knowing that we are all part of the same movement. Respect that your experience may not be the experience of others, hear others’ perspectives and allow yourself to be moved. Embrace new ideas and new ways of moving our shared strategy forward.

  • Please be considerate, respectful and cooperative. This includes following instructions about safety or other matters and taking care not to damage others’ property.

  • During discussions, encourage others to join in. Share when relevant and listen when appropriate. If you notice people dominating a discussion, ask for feedback from quieter attendees.

  • Address the idea/strategy/tactic, not the person (e.g. Don’t say: "You're stupid, that will never work." Say: “I don’t understand how that aligns with our strategy. Can you say more?”). Assume good intentions and check your condescension, we are all learning from each other.

  • Move Up, Move Back: Be aware of how much space you’re taking up (or not!). Consider your privilege and identities when contributing, as well as how much you’re posting in relation to others. We also want to ensure that voices who’ve historically been marginalised are heard (First Nations people, people of colour, people with disability, women, LGBTQI+ people, young people, etc).

  • Be thankful when you are held accountable and aim to learn from different perspectives. Ask questions and share insights with an open heart. Avoid dismissing the ideas of others, even if they do not align with your personal beliefs.

  • If you are a speaker or presenter, make sure that your session slides, format and activities are accessible; guidelines will be provided for you as part of the speaker briefing process.

Please also keep the following in mind to help make these events and trainings accessible:

  • Elevators - consider convenience vs. necessity. If you can use the stairways to move between program floors, please do. Even if the reason isn’t visible, some participants absolutely depend on the elevators to access the conference.

  • Maintain clear paths - Remind those around you to not block doorways and hallways so everyone can move freely. Tuck your belongings in front of your feet or under your seat.

  • Share the air - Please limit your use of scented products if you can. Fewer fragrances make the conference more accessible for participants with asthma, migraine and chemical sensitivities.

  • Service animal etiquette - Please don’t pat, distract or take photos of service animals. Participants who rely on service animals need them to be able to concentrate on doing their jobs well.

  • Speaking with others and in sessions - Please aim to keep your lips visible for those who speech read. When asking a question or engaging with a presenter, please use a microphone if one is available.

Children at Passing the Message Stick events

As we are committed to creating a safe and inclusive experience for all attendees, this includes parents and attendees with child-caring responsibilities. Children are an important part of community life and are our future leaders, hence why Passing the Message Stick will provide child-friendly events. 

Children are welcome to attend but we require prior notice to adjust numbers. 

We ask that parents/carers take responsibility for their children and be aware of the needs of other participants. We also ask that all participants are patient with, respectful and considerate of children and their parents/carers.

Unacceptable Behaviour

Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct will not be tolerated. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Verbal or written comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or clothing/dress, body size, race, age, religion

  • Sharing sexual images in public spaces

  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following

  • Harassing photography or recording

  • Sustained disruption of conversation

  • Inappropriate or unwanted physical contact

  • Sexual harassment of any form

  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour

Participants who take part in unacceptable behaviour may be dismissed from the program at the discretion of the Passing the Message Stick team.

Witnessing or experiencing unacceptable behaviour

If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible to our team. Each event will have a dedicated contact for any concerns.If you aren’t comfortable reaching out to the team on the day, you can reach Millie at

When discussing an incident or unacceptable behaviour, staff will ensure you are safe and cannot be overheard. They may involve other event staff to ensure your report is managed properly. Once safe, we'll ask you to tell us about what happened. This can be upsetting, but we'll handle it respectfully, and you can bring someone to support you. You won't be asked to confront anyone and we won't tell anyone who you are.

This Code of Conduct was based on The Geek Feminism wiki, the work of Valerie Aurora,  the Conference Code of Conduct, the Netroots Community Guidelines and WisCon Universal Design principles.

Questions & Feedback: If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct and/or have any feedback, please contact us at